Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ

I can't use a coupon.

For system reasons, we are unable to apply the coupon after the order has been confirmed. Please understand this in advance.
In principle, you must register as a member to use coupons. If you are unable to use coupons, please be sure to register your information according to the following procedure.
(Coupons are differentiated according to the address registered in the member information. To distinguish the coupons, please register your address from "Confirm Address" on the My Page below after registering as a member).

[Overseas customers]
For coupons limited to e -mail magazine registrants, it is essential to register the address.
After registering, please register your address from the following My Page.

[Japanese customer]
LINEID coordinator -only coupons require registration of membership information in addition to ID linkage.
After registering as a member, please re -associate your ID and make sure that "LINE linked" is displayed on My Page.
Please check the following page for the idle of ID.

What countries are available for shipping?

Overseas, we can deliver to customers in the USA, Singapore, Sweden, Australia, UK, Italy, Spain, New Zealand and Canada(update 2/2/2023).

Toyo Steel is a traditional tool box manufacturer established in Japan in 1969.
All products purchased from us are delivered directly from our manufacturing plant in Osaka, Japan.
We sell directly from the manufacturer for safety and security.

When will the items arrive?

The products ordered by the customer will be delivered by FEDEX or DHL or EMS.
We will select a suitable delivery company for your residence and deliver the product.

Shipping processing excludes Saturdays, Sundays, Japanese holidays, year -end and New Year holidays, Golden Week, Obon.In principle, business day after the next day.
After shipping, there are differences depending on the country where you live,We will deliver it in 3 days to 6 days.
All parcels have individual tracking numbers so you can track your package.

How much does international shipping cost?

The appropriate shipping fee is calculated based on the volume weight (the amount of space occupied by the luggage for the actual weight).
USA:Free shipping on orders over 65USD
Canada:Free shipping on orders over 70CAD
Australia:Free shipping on orders over 120AUD
New Zealand:Free shipping on orders over 130NZD
United Kingdom:Free shipping on orders over 65GBD
Hong Kong:Free shipping on orders over 500HKD
Taiwan: shipping on orders over 2000TWD
Singapore:Free shipping on orders over 90SGD
Sweden:Free shipping on orders over 850SEK
UAE:Free shipping on orders over 250AED

Other countries: No free shipping is available.
*The unit price per item is set lower because of the lack of free shipping.
*In the U.S. and Canada, a portion of the shipping cost is included in the product price, so although there is a price difference, there is no significant difference in the amount actually paid by the customer.

I would like to know about payment of customs duties and taxes.

Shipping abroad may be charged with tariffs.
*In the U.S., the total price of the product and shipping costs is taxable at $800 or more (as of 9/30/2022).
*We are temporarily suspending the tax payment agent service that we have been providing for international customers outside of the United States. As a result, unexpected payment may occur upon receipt. (As of 7/25/2024)
*Customs and customs fees will be borne by the customer.Please note that we are not responsible for the customs proceedings.

Can I specify the delivery date and delivery time of the product?

[Overseas customers]
As a rule, delivery dates cannot be specified for international shipments.

[Japanese customer]
Products that are in stock can be specified from the 3rd business day from the order date. Please fill in the remarks column.
We also accept changes to the specified delivery date, but if the date is approaching, we may not be able to meet your request.

If you would like to know more about other delivery details, please check "About Overseas Delivery / Tariffs" at the link below.

What kind of payment method is there?

Card company that can be used: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, JCB
Please contact your credit card company for details.
It also supports Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paidy, Paypal and Amazon Pay.

What should I do when I look for a product?

You can search for free words from the search window on the site.

I want to know if my personal items will fit.

The inner dimension information is described on the product details page, so please check it first.
Even if you contact us, if we do not have the real thing we want to put in, we will not clearly respond if it can be stored. note that.

I want to change or cancel my order.

We cannot cancel orders that have already been completed or change the contents of an order (add items or change to other items).
Please confirm that your order is correct before finalizing your order.
However, we will only accept cancellations within 30 minutes of an order being placed and before the order is shipped.
In the event of an unavoidable cancellation, we will deduct 3% from the amount paid and refund the balance. Please note that we may not be able to accept cancellations after the order has been shipped, depending on when you contact us.

I want to return or exchange an item.

Our return policy is to accept returns within 7 days of receipt. If you do not contact us within 7 days of receiving the item, we will not be able to issue a refund or exchange for any reason.
As a condition of returning an item, the item must be unused and in the same condition in which it was received.

Please check the "About return" section of the page linked below and follow the instructions to complete the return procedure.

I did not receive an email even though I ordered.

There is a possibility that your order has not been completed correctly or your email address may be wrong. Depending on your email settings, emails from this site may be distributed to "Junk mail folder". If you do not receive an email, please check the spam folder.
If you have set a domain designated reception due to spam countermeasures, etc., you can not use the service using the e -mail on this website, so please set the "" domain specified reception. To set the domain specified reception, specify the domain of "".
If you cannot confirm the email even after setting the above, please contact us by the inquiry form.

Do you sell your items in physical stores?

We have retail stores in some countries. Please contact us and we will introduce you to a distributor. Our distributors will provide you with retail store information.
(In some countries, we may not be able to provide dealer information.)
However, the number of products available is limited. Please consider purchasing from our website.

Toolboxes are also available at the art supply store TOOLS.
The stores that carry them are as follows
Ochanomizu store (Tokyo):
Osaka Umeda store:

Tool boxes can also be purchased at home improvement stores called "Konan" located throughout Japan.
However, all stores are limited in the part numbers they carry, so please consider purchasing on this website.

I would like to know the distributor or place a bulk order..

Please contact us using the inquiry form below, including the name of the store and your company. A sales representative will respond.